Introduction of HTML
What are the basics of HTML? - web development short courses in lahore
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language and is used in the Front-End web development for creating web pages along with CSS and JavaScript. Genuine Tech is providing web development course training in which you can learn the basics of HTML along with other Front-End development web languages by working on the real life projects and assignments you can create websites by learning complete HTML , CSS, JavaScript and php with laravel in our web development course here is use and explained about HTML;
- The <HTML> element is the root of the HTML page
- The <head> element contains meta and browser information about HTML page
- The <title> tag defines the title for the page as shown in browser title bar
- The <body> tag introduces the document body and its all contents
- The <h1> tag define a large heading h tag may provide heading from h1 to h6
- The <p> element is used to write a content paragraph
In this HTML training course in Lahore you can learn about all the tags and properties elements of HTML which is used in website development and you can start your career in this web design and development field in order to become full stack developer you can further learn from these basic to advance level languages and master back-end technologies.
Top Features of HTML in Web Development Training
As a professional Web Developer you must master the Front-end and Back-end of web technologies which may include the Top features of HTML and other programming languages you need to learn from the basics and go to an advanced level HTML advanced features may include form validation, responsive design and many more. You can learn the web development online course for those who cannot attend the physical classes due to some reasons have the opportunity to join online session of web development training course and enhance their computer skills.
Learn How to Create Forms in HTML
You can create responsive form web design in HTML by learning their form tags which may include label and input tags or you can learn about the HTML form Validation with JavaScript from basic to an advance level and become professional in your profession this is the first step for becoming a web developer you must learn the basic fundamentals of HTML as a front-end programming language and enhance your skills in journey of becoming a full stack web designer and developer you can also learn about HTML meta tags for SEO in order to optimize your website performance.
As a professional Web Developer, you must understand the front-end and back-end of web technologies, which may include the top features of HTML and other programming languages. You need to study from the basics and progress to an expert level. HTML advanced features may include form validation, responsive design, and many others. You may study web development online. Those who are unable to attend physical classes for various reasons can participate in an online session of web development training course to improve their computer abilities.
Embedding Google Maps in HTML
In order to embedding google maps in HTML you learn to use iframe element in this web developer front-end HTML training you can learn to embed a google map in to a web page and optimize your HTML website performance using meta tags and techniques in web development this is the beginner's guide for website development. Genuine is the best web development agency in Pakistan here you can avail the opportunity to learn this top website development training and become professional in your profession.
HTML, which stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, is used in front-end web development to create web pages alongside CSS and JavaScript. Genuine Tech offers web development course training in which you can study the fundamentals of HTML and other Front-End development web languages by working on real-life projects and assignments. You can design websites by learning entire HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP with Laravel.
HTML Coding Challenges and Exercises
To become the best web developer you need to enroll in HTML coding challenges and excersies in which you can give tasks to test your skills and abilities like you may build a form, create a product landing page, build a restaurant website, create a parallax website, create a tribute page and many more like create your own personal portfolio. these challenges and exercises may enhance your coding skills and improve your programming problem solving skills.
You can create responsive web pages layout and enhance your website design or can learn CSS for styling your web pages layout of a website. You can join this specialized HTML training course as a beginner or a professional to grow your skills and start your career in web development industries. We may design HTML coding classes for kids as well to get them familiarize with web programming and coding in this technology era this web development coding skill is highly paid and high in demand so every candidate after FA learn website development and secure their career.
Which software is best for HTML coding?
Here is the list of best software and editors for HTML and CSS coding for beginner as well as for professionals to start web programming;
- Sublime Text
- TextPad
- BBEdit
- Komodo IDE
- Visual Studio Code
- Atom
- Edit+
- Bluefish
You may construct responsive web page layouts to improve your website design, or you can learn CSS to style your web page layout. This specialist HTML training course is open to both beginners and professionals looking to improve their abilities and establish a career in the web development industry. We may also construct HTML coding workshops for children to acquaint them with web programming and coding. In current technological age, web development coding skills are highly valued and in high demand, thus every candidate after FA should learn website development to protect their profession.
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