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Here is a brief Introduction to Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO, is a process that is used to bring traffic on a website. It is a process of improving the visibility and availibility of a web page on a web browser. Let's understand it with an example. One of the Search Engine Optimization Strategy Example is SEM(Search Engine Marketing). It involves promotion of a website on search engine. SEO involves several techniques and strategies. Here are some things which have to be learned for Search Engine Optimization. The two main types of SEO are on-page and off-page SEO. SEarch Engine Optimization involves On-Page and Off-Page strategies. We shall discuss On-Page Ranking Factors first. One of on-page ranking factors is content. There are various Content Writing Strategies to write an excellent content. One of the examples of content-writing is Press Release Submission. A press release is a well-written content to create awareness about a company. In this regard, Content Analysis and Verification is essential to eliminate any wrong information in the content. An important thing for SEO is optimizing HTML Tags and Validation. It is a process of changing HTML code to improve a website's performance. It requires knowledge of some HTML Tags. Some of the Related HTML Tags are p,a,meta tags etc. In Meta tag, the Search Engine Indexing Keywords are written. The Importance of Keyword Research cannot be denied in SEO. There exist some General Searching Techniques for finding ranking keywords. These searching techniques are very helpful in Embedding Keywords on a Website, which is an important task in SEO.
There also exist some Off Page Techniques for performing off-page SEO. The most important task is link building. There are different Type of link and their Strategies. For building links, some Link Building Steps are to be followed according to specified link type. One should also have a knowledge of Anatomy of web crawler so that the links could be made more crawlable. After building links, the Link Submissions Tools are required to submit links to various online platforms. Some of the other off-page techniques are Article Submission, which is an off-page SEO technique to publish content for a third-party website for its promotion. Directory Submission, a process of submission of website's URL to different online directories. Forum Posting, a tecnhnique used to promote website by participating in the discussions related to that website's niche, for example, in comments section and creating a backlink for reaching that website. Blog Commenting, is a process of leaving comments on blog posts for creating back links and engagging with other bloggers to promote desired website.
Here are some other techniques required to be known for doing SEO. After applying SEO Tecniques, Monitoring Search Engine Ranking is an important task. For this Traffic Ananlyzing Tools are available in order to observe the overall rankings of a website. One of the most crucial part of SEO and any marketing strategy is to understand Competitor Analysis framework. It helps businesses to understand their position in market and make decisions according to that.One of the essentials of SEO is to store web pages orderly. Social Bookmarking is a process of storing web pages on internet using online resources. The thing is to consider in this task is Sitemap Generation. A sitemap is a file that provides information of all web pages to search engines. One of the essential to consider is the Difference Between Marketing and Selling. Marketing is a process of understanding customer's requirements and Selling is a process of convincing the customers to buy the product. SEO Experts have vast Carrer and Job Opportunities ahead.