How to Create the Perfect Robots.txt File

What is the perfect robots.txt file? - Shan College

Search engine use the information from Robots.txt file to crawl the pages and section of websites and with the help of this Robots.txt file search engine can indexed your websites it is placed in the root directory of a website and contain instruction in the plain text format. You can learn web development and seo content writing course it is one of the best file which is used for search engine optimization for the indexing of your website in website development course you can learn to create websites and in seo courses you can learn the perfect Robots.txt file and their importance in google seo trends and in this training course you can learn;

  • Website Development
  • Search engine optimization
  • Understand Robots.txt file working in seo
  • Search engine crawlers
  • Types of SEO
  • E-commerce website development
  • Image Optimization
  • Logo Designing

Genuine Tech is one of the Top Computer College in Lahore known for their best computer courses and individually training on real-world projects you can learn each computer course individually and become expert in your profession and earn a a lot of money in your career. In this Robots.txt file creation you must keep in mind that it is important file and you can use it for controlling search engine crawlers and follow the best practices for optimizing your website using the high quality content writing, keyword indexing, using heading tags and meta description and create strong back-link.


In conclusion website development & seo course is important to learn if you want to develop and create your website and rank them on No1 on search engine pages so it may attract high-quality traffic with seo approach you can easily rank it and earn money online with google ad-sense and become independent and this is one of the best career to choose whether you join an organization or start your own business.
You can read the steps from in detail to create a robots.txt file.

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How to Create the Perfect Robots.txt File - short courses in lahore

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Shan Computer Trainings Institure is one of the best institure for web development in Pakistan. Introduce all type of programming language course trainings.

What is the perfect robots.txt file? - Shan College

Genuine Technology providing best web development trainings Lahore Pakistan. Offering HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, MySQL, PHP, Laravel Frameworks, React JS, Python and C++ Programming Fundamental Courses trainings Lahore.